Monday, May 2, 2011

Pedicure - A must have

This weekend I spent an hour getting one of those small treats in life every woman should give herself every month: a pedicure.  I realize during the winter months we tend to slack off; however April through September, this should be mandatory like making sure you have your drivers license with you for identification at all times. 

I have become a feet watcher since the weather has become warm (hot here in the south).  It is amazing to me the amount of women who neglect their feet, making them hooves, all winter.  All it requires is putting on lotion, then Vaseline, and white cotton socks at bedtime after showering.  If a woman has used her loofah or pumice stone in the shower, then follows this softening ritual nightly when spring is sprung the damage is minimal.  There is nothing worse than a woman  wearing sandals or mules with heels appearing as if  they were surfing on the coral reef.  Let's not forget the "boomerang" toes with the polish chipped and cracked. No!!!!! Take the polish off and put on a coat of clear. 

Ladies, long pointy toe nails is not a fashion trend either.  We are talking about your feet, not your fingers.  Quite frankly long fingernails is also passe. Nice neat short well trimmed fingernails and toe nails is acceptable and nothing less.

BTW, don't buy sandals that are too short! Make sure those toes do not leap over the front of the sandal. LOL..... There are too many styles on the market for that fashion mistake.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Do You Know?

Do you know your lines?  How do you know when an outfit really fits well and those are the lines for you?

Often I go out and I see women in outfits that scream, "I hate you!"  I always wonder how did this happen? I personally have made a conscious decision to know what my lines are and what to stay away from.  I have used professional tips in magazines as somewhat of a guide, but over the years I have just learned them.  It also helps to have honesty around you in the form of your loved ones. =)  I live with a rough bunch and they do not hold back.  Knowing your colors is also key. 



I have created this blog as a form of sister-2-sister communication.  It is not as public as facebook and allows women of all ages to discuss with each other various products and topics. In the past few years, I have learned about many new products, places, recipes, restaurants, brands, etc. by trial and error or word of mouth from friends.  I would like to centralize some of this information and have a sharing center.  Nothing to0 time consuming, but short snippets that will help us all. 

I hope you enjoy stopping by here.  Please post and share your thoughts, ideas, information, etc.  Knowledge is always welcome here.  If you even want to submit a picture of an outfit you are unsure about, come on through, someone will let you know if it (the outfit) is your friend or a gentle way of course...LOL

Look for post 1 on this topic. =)